HSB Kids & Youth

We have lots happening throughout the week for all ages... keep an eye on our fb & insta for more info or email  

Tuesdays & Thursdays

(Term Time)

9:30 - 11am

Free play, crafts, singing, story time and delicious snacks - £1 per family.

Booking opens 24 hours before each session - PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU BOOK A PLACE!

Booking essential - CLICK HERE


(Term Time)

3:30 - 4:30pm

A high energy after school club for those in year R to 6 - games, crafts, cooking and loads of fun. Suggested donation is £1!

Booking opens every Monday PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU BOOK A PLACE!

Booking essential - CLICK HERE


(Term Time)


Our youth club for those in years 6 - 9 to enjoy delicious snacks, get involved in loads of fun activities and have an AWESOME time with their mates! Just £1 a week.

Booking opens every Tuesday PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU BOOK A PLACE!

Booking essential - CLICK HERE


(Term Time)

8 - 9:30pm

A space for those in years 10 + to hang out, have loads of fun, eat some lush food and share life together.

Just £1 a week.



Sundays (Term Time)

9:30am at Bitterne CE Primary

Age 3 years & up


A fantastic space for all ages to get involved, have fun, get creative and learn more about who God says you are.

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© Holy Saviour

Child Protection Policy | Vulnerable Adults Policy | Domestic Abuse and Violence Policy

We take all safeguarding concerns seriously. You can contact; our Safeguarding Officer Alison Large safeguarding@holysaviour.church or call 07392651388. Alternatively the Diocesan team can be contacted via safeguarding@winchester.anglican.org or call 01962 737317.