Going Deeper @ 7:30pm

We recognise that oftentimes our Sunday mornings are aimed at all ages and all stages - or perhaps we might be busy serving in one of our various different teams. There is often a need however for us to dig a little deeper about what God might be saying to us. In particular we want to explore what it means in this season to be disciples of Jesus, or perhaps a more helpful word is apprentice to Jesus. It is a lifelong process of learning and maturing in our faith, with three particular goals:


1) To BE with Jesus

2) To BECOME like Jesus

3) To DO what Jesus did


On Sunday evenings we take the opportunity to explore together these themes and certain practices from the life of Jesus, which will encourage and help us in this apprenticeship journey.


We have adopted the following plan:


1st Sunday each month - Worship & Prayer night in Holy Saviour - an opportunity to simply worship God, enjoy the space to simply be in His presence and be prayed for too by one of our ministry team.


3rd Sunday each month - Worship, Teaching & Prayer in Holy Saviour - an opportunity to hear a longer time of teaching and space to respond. 


Each service will begin with refreshments being served and a warm welcome for all. 


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