Welcome to Holy Saviour Bitterne - the Anglican church in Bitterne. You are so welcome here and hope you find this site useful as you explore what we are all about.
We are super excited for all that God might want to do in and through His church and His people here in Bitterne and beyond. 
There is so much happening each week in and through Holy Saviour. Be sure to check out our facebook page for all the latest information and to find out more about our incredible outreach to children, young people and their families - check out our HSB Children & Youth page.
With every blessing
Ruth & Tony Palmer
Please do not hesitate to contact Tony - tony@holysaviour.church or Ruth - ruth@holysaviour.church or 023 8044 3770.

Why not pop in and visit the Church...

Monday - Friday 9 - 11.30 our office is open inside Holy Saviour. Here we can deal with all kinds of things like baptism, wedding & funeral enquiries, graveyard queries or simply help find the support or help that you need. 


HSB Children & Youth

Keep up to date with all that is happening for youth & kids

There is so much happening for children & young people at Holy Saviour. To keep up to date and to find out how to book for our Fireflies & Ignite sessions - simply click the logo!


Our Vision

To be a beacon for HOPE in Bitterne & beyond through loving, serving, giving, welcoming & worshipping.

Listen again to Sunday's Sermons

You can listen again to our Sunday sermons in any of the podcast apps - either click the image below or search wherever you normally listen for Holy Saviour Bitterne.


Our current sermon series is exploring the questions that Jesus asked:

Who do you say I am?

What do you want? <

Why are you so afraid?

Who can add a single hour to their life by worrying?

What good is it to gain the whole world but lose your soul?

Whom will you love?

What do you want me to do for you?

Partner with us financially

We can only do all that we do through the generous support of our regular givers and donors. Church of England churches like ours receive no financial help from the Government or local authority. It is our sole responsibility to maintain the building, pay for all utilities, pay the salaries of our staff team and resource the ministry we do in Bitterne and beyond. If you are able to stand with us and give to the ministry of Holy Saviour - simply click the button.

Holy Saviour Bitterne Church
Bursledon Road
Southampton, SO19 7LW
Phone: 023 8068 5560 023 8068 5560
Fax: null
E-mail address:
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© Holy Saviour

Child Protection Policy | Vulnerable Adults Policy | Domestic Abuse and Violence Policy

We take all safeguarding concerns seriously. You can contact; our Safeguarding Officer Alison Large safeguarding@holysaviour.church or call 07392651388. Alternatively the Diocesan team can be contacted via safeguarding@winchester.anglican.org or call 01962 737317.